Small master bathroom renovation with walk in shower
Unplanned small master bathroom remodel with walk in shower
Hi everyone! Welcome to a place where I document my projects and share my love of all things creative. I want to show you another project we had tackled a while back. Its our small master bathroom renovation with walk in shower. One of the best reasons for getting a home that needs work is you don’t have to feel guilty about ripping out a perfectly good space to put your own signature. Therefore, being able to put our own style and touches into the house is what my husband and I look forward to. It helps that my husband is the contractor and we don’t need to hire outside help.
Today I want to share with you our master bathroom renovation. This was our first bathroom remodel in our house, now we have completed two out of three. You can see our most recent powder room project here.
Although, our master bathroom was seriously outdated it was not on the top of our to do list. There were so many other projects that took precedent over this bathroom.
But during Hurricane Sandy, water came in from a skylight and inside the walls which caused tremendous damage. This bumped up this remodel up to the top of the priority list. Being that there was only one bathroom for a family of four.
As you can imagine, water can cause lot of damage. As a result, water penetrating into the wood can also soften the wood frame causing wood rot and not to mention cause mold inside the walls. This can lead to pretty serious health conditions.
The beginning – Tear down to the beams
Above all, I think my husband’s favorite part of a renovation is when there’s demolition involved.
It’s truly amazing what you can discover inside the walls. In our case we found lack of studs and studs that have been cut in half suspended from the ceiling. I’m surprised the bathroom was still standing. I am always reminded how things happen for a reason.
Certainly, starting fresh always gives me a peace of mind. The new framing, plumbing and electrical were installed.
Picking out tile

/ grey tile for floor

The bathroom was only 5 ft. by 8 ft. and had a tub, which made the space feel very small. Therefore, we kept the same configurations of the previous layout. But, we decided to eliminate the tub since we are more of shower people. Who has time for soaking in a tub anyway, not me for sure. We also designed it like a wet room, minus a tub, in order to keep it open as possible. There is no shower tray, the entire bathroom floor has been waterproofed with rubber membrane. The tile floor has a gradient to ensure all the water runs into the drain. This concept in bathrooms are a big trend in bathroom design.

Fitting in the fixtures

Completed master bathroom
Finally, here is our completed bathroom renovation, and I must say I’m really pleased with the outcome.

Added a bit of coral for a little coastal touch. There’s my sad flowerless orchid plant, I still love the thick green leaves on it. To see the old bathroom transformed into beautiful, modern unique space is truly amazing. We have many projects coming up I can’t wait to share them with all of you. We have been working on our house for years and it has been nothing short of labor of love. Thank you for stopping by!