One Room Challenge – Week 3 – Bedroom Makeover
Welcome back to Week 3 of the One Room Challenge where I makeover my son’s bedroom. There’s been slow progress around here. I have been so busy at work it has consumed a lot of my time. Nevertheless, I figured out a manageable schedule and I am starting to get into a good rhythm.

Let me give you a little recap in case this is your first time here. I have joined this amazingly fun and creative event, One Room Challenge, 3 weeks ago to makeover my son Kyle’s bedroom. He is a young adult so he is going to get a room that suits his adult personality and likes. You can see Week 1 and Week 2 to give you an idea of where we started from.
One Room Challange – Week 3 – Choosing faux paint treatment for wall
First, the plan is to create one wall in his room to look like cement or large tile using just paint. I didn’t want to add texture with plaster to the wall just in case Kyle didn’t like it and it would be difficult to get back the smooth walls. We decided to faux paint the wall to look like a cement or tile wall. I used to faux paint walls all the time, It was a great way to get the look of texture without the actual texture. If you’re like me and paint a wall on a whim, you don’t want to deal with skim coating textured walls before painting. Faux painting is a good option.
Here’s the wall that is going to get the cement/tile look. First, prepared the wall, dusted and plastered any holes and cracks.

Then off to testing the look we want on the wall. At first, I was ambivalent about what I have taken on, not sure what to do if I could get the look we want. I tested out a few options and with the first few it was like, yiiiikes what have I done! After working on the paint, I started to see the light! Here are some of the options…
This one, not quite… too intense

Getting there, this look could definitely work, but not quite the feel I want.

But, serendipitously I stumbled upon this look I absolutely love! The variations in the color using Summer Storm by Behr paint, all the details that naturally formed are the piece de resistance.

Now the challenge is to create this look on the whole wall, which I’ll be tackling today. Wish me luck! I will share a detailed post on how to create this look soon. The rest of the room is going to be painted Baby Seal Black by Benjamin Moore paint.

As for my orders, the media cabinet and the new side table have arrived. Still waiting for the small sectional and accent chair.

One Room Challenge – To do list
Here’s a list of the DIY project I plan to tackle for this room
- DIY wood slat wall
- Build a tufted headboard
Faux paint one wall to make it look like a cement wall- Install baseboard and molding around windows
Looking forward to picking up the pace and having a very productive week. I’ll have the room and the featured wall painted so that next week I can tackle the DIY headboard.
Hope you follow along on this journey with me and the other participants each week!
Make sure to visit the designers and the other guest participant to get ultimate design inspiration.
Thank you for stopping by!