Decorating a flocked Christmas tree
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Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

Decorate a flocked Christmas tree

Hi everyone, I love Christmas trees that looks like snow had fallen softly on its branches. How about you? To bring that look inside, I decided to get a faux flocked Christmas tree this year. I found the perfect spot in my dining room but the tree has to be slim because of the limited space. My husband found a beautiful pre-lit flocked tree in the ideal size at Home depot. I am so excited about decorating a flocked Christmas tree, I have so many beautiful ideas.

Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

Of course we still get the real tree that looks like the Rockefeller Center tree as we do every year for the living room.

We go to a local market that has gajillion trees to choose from. Which has become our tradition that we do together as a family. I’ll share how we decorated the real tree in a few days.

How to decorate a festive flocked Christmas tree

Fluff the tree and Check the lights

Once you take the Christmas tree out of storage you’ll need to fluff it to look natural and fill any holes in the branches that you may not want. Also check the light to make sure they are working.

if you’ve had your flocked Christmas tree for a few years, it may start to shed some flocking. You can add more flock yourself with spray snow or flocking powder. While adding the flocking powder, spray the branches with water so that the flock can adhere to the tree. Let it completely dry before decorating.

Adding ribbon

After the flocked tree is prepped, it’s time to make it beautiful with ribbon and baubles.

If you are adding ribbon, the amount of ribbon to add will depend on the thickness of the ribbon and the overall look you want for your tree.

Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

Being that my tree was a slim tree, I used mostly thin ribbon with hints of red and black wider ribbon. I cut 12″ strips of the buffalo plaid ribbon and curved and tucked into the tree. This technique uses significantly less ribbon while appearing have the perfect amount.

Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

Putting on the ornaments

I used red, silver and a few white ornaments on my flocked Christmas tree. What would Christmas be without the color red? It is so striking against the white snow covered branches.

Place the largest ornaments first, this will help to guide you to where to place the smaller ones. Then you can add your special baubles at the end. You can see some of my home made ornaments here.

Decorating a flocked Christmas tree
Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

I used a large finial ornament as the topper, I love the way it looks.

Decorating a flocked Christmas tree

Happy decorating…

Decorate a flocked Christmas tree

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More ideas on how to decorate flocked Christmas trees…

My name is Sherry Calamia, a mom, a wife, a DIYer, and a lover of all things beautiful and creative. This blog was created out of my enthusiasm for interior decorating, do-it-yourself projects, art, and food. I love the challenge to create a beautiful space on a budget armed with a little ingenuity.