One Room Challenge – Week 4 – Bedroom Makeover
Welcome! Is it already week 4 of the One Room Challenge? Are we already halfway over? It’s crazy how fast time flies when you’re under the gun! I must confess, I am not at all where I should be in this process of making over my son Kyle’s bedroom. You can catch up on my previous post here.
One Room Challenge – Week 4 –Trials and Tribulations
The reason for falling behind is that I have been fighting with the painting technique for the featured wall. Let’s just say the paint won the battle. I was trying out a drippy paint technique on the wall to create a cement/tile look. It looked great when I painted it in a small section, but painting the entire wall was a different story. I used watered-down paint to get the look, the variation of color that was naturally happening was beautiful but wasn’t consistent enough for the whole wall. I painted and repainted the wall two times, maybe the third time will be the charm. If this technique doesn’t work out, I’ll have to try a different to method achieve the look I want.
I am off to finish this wall, but if you want to skip the paint and go straight to wallpaper, here are a few beautiful options…

At least all the furniture has arrived and I can’t wait to put it all into the bedroom. Before that I still have a lot more to accomplish.
One Room Challenge – To do list
- DIY wood slat wall
- Build a tufted headboard
- Faux paint featured wall to make it look like a cement wall
- Paint rest of the room a solid color
- Install baseboard and molding around windows
Well, I have to get cracking on finishing this wall so I can start with the wood slat wall. Hope you come back to see the rest.
Make sure to visit the designers and the other guest participant to get ultimate design inspiration.
Thank you for stopping by!